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July 20, 2011


The Wimpy's Republicans Propose A Trillion in Taxes Today for Spending Cuts Tomorrow

by RogueOperator

The Republicans’ latest proposal to cut the deficit is what I have seen referred to as the “Wimpy’s plan”: “I’ll gladly cut spending Tuesday for some more taxes today.” And if you are unsure about who the Wimpys are, John Boehner will wipe the gloppy mascera from his eyes and tell you.

The GOP, which is a letter away from being “GLOP,” is oozing its way into one of two disgustingly greasy deals: the first, a trillion dollar hike in taxes for a thin waifer of $111 billion in savings (that’s about a hundred hours of government services, if you’re counting); and the second, making Obama dictator over the budget, allowing him to raise the debt skylight $2.5 trillion in three installments over the next year, thus setting yet another dangerous precedent of the Congress shrugging off its powers over the budget, effectively handing the economy on a paper plate to the president.

Once again, the Republicans just don’t get it.  Like simpering enablers of the chronically overeating Democrats, they chide big daddy government for being too fat, but when he comes home from work, serve up a heaving helping of cheeseboigers, a massive mound of fries, and a hot apple pie for desert.

But America is in for a massive economic coronary if the Republicans don’t draw the line and put the face-gorging Democrats on a serious diet. Simply smiling when the Dems pass on the after-dinner mint is not going to cut it.

And like an enabling housewife, the Republicans seem cowed by the Democrats’ petulant rages whenever a polite suggestion to trim the budget is offered.  What the GOP refuses to understand is that the cataclysmic fear-mongering, wailing, gnashing of teeth, and caterwalling can work for a while in politics. But we are over a year away from elections, and this is the best time to call the demagogues’ bluff.

The only strategy to beat the Democrats’ big lies is to simply walk away.  Stop bringing them more food for the feast. Let the fearmongers stew in their extremist railing at Republicans’ extremism.  When senior citizens ask why grandma has to share a bowl with Morris the Cat, direct them to ask the head honcho why he refuses to cut the checks from their Social Security “trust fund.”

The gutless deal offered by the Republicans, set up to fail, either intentionally or unintentionally, shows that the majority of the Republicans are interested in power and control over the economy ostensibly only to a slightly less extent than the Democrats.  The Republicans seem content to whip the jump rope of parliamentary procedure as the socialist democrats play “two steps forward, one step back” hopscotch. If the Dems can get their corpulent fat-asses over the rope.

Instead of the Wimpy’s Plan, conservatives need to come up with the Popeye Plan: I yam what I yam and I yam what I yam that I yam. Stop apologizing for being fiscally sane, and explain what we need to do as a nation to get back to prosperity and fiscal sustainability.

Give the free market a chance, and instead of eating their peas, the American people will seem like they ate their spinach.  The one thing holding people back from achieving the American Dream is the American government.

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2 Comments Post a comment
  1. Freedom, by the way
    Jul 20 2011

    Funny that you should compare Boehner to Wimpy. That’s very apt.

  2. Jul 20 2011

    The gutless deal offered by the Republicans, set up to fail, either intentionally or unintentionally, shows that the majority of the Republicans are interested in power and control over the economy ostensibly only to a slightly less extent than the Democrats.

    Exactly what I have said. These talks started out well, but it is apparent the Republicans (as a party – the Freshman seem to understand it) are just democrat lites. We can no longer afford to let the Ficks pocket a million dollars and then pay for their food with food stamps. We can no longer allow the Shanikas to buy porterhouse steak with food stamps while no middle class person can afford such largess. Until the republicans understand that, they are going to lose. They do this deal, they will ensure the election of Obama.

    P.S. – I have encouraged to see this article. All too often, I see conservatives afraid to criticize Republicans (being the only game in town). They are not true conservatives, merely party operatives.


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