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June 20, 2011


UPDATE: The King of Coal – It's Good to Be the King

by RogueOperator

The Supreme Court has ruled on the suit brought by a number of states protesting the EPA‘s enforcement of carbon emissions regulations.  The ruling is that the court did not rule, effectively, upholding the EPA’s authority 8-0 (Sotomayor stepped out on this one due to her “Latina wisdom”),  explaining that such a suit must be brought in argument against the Clean Air Act.  Since the court is not authorized to act as a legislator and regulator, it does not have the power to act in such capacity and instruct the EPA how to proceed.  Technically, this is true.  The proper course of action for those who oppose carbon emission regulations is to repeal the Clean Air Act, defund the EPA, and/or to pass new legislation that effectively neuters the rogue agency.

Good thing climate change fearmongering is dying out, and climate change alarmists have got the blues, due to ‘‘inexplicable’ winter cold snaps, and data that show that manmade global warming is neither manmade, nor global, nor warming.

Bonus: Blond girl explains her solution to manmade global warming. (Video)

3 Comments Post a comment
  1. Jun 22 2011

    It is worth noting that the left has used AGW global warming as a tool to foster socialism. AGW global warming came into vogue when the proponents of neo-marxism had to rewrite the narrative after the fall of the soviet union. In 1989, the american Marxist knew then, more then ever, that Americans will not accept socialism on its face. So a deception had to be devised to accommodate that hurdle. Hence the increased popularity of global warming in the media and assorted leftist characters. Of course it was not the psudo science itself which would lead to increased socialism [hence, less liberty] but the ‘solutions’ to the ‘problem’. Which is why great capital and political expense was shouldered by the left in perpetuating this myth. The myth became so pervasive, that a great many people [not properly school in the scientific method, courtesy of public education. Another leftist tool] bought into it hook, line, and sinker. There were, and still are, large swaths of the american body politic willing to surrender their liberties for a lie. Surrendering your liberty for security is bad enough, surrendering your liberty for the security of deception is sheer lunacy.

  2. Jun 22 2011

    Good to see you, Craig. Well put, hear hear. The very notion that the entire climate is driven by a trace gas, and not primarily by the distant inanimate object of the sun, a multi-million degree nuclear fusion blowtorch, is risible on its face. The argument, if one can call it an “argument” when one is castigated as a “heretic” from deviating from the predetermined conventional wisdom, gets even more absurd when one learns that the trace gas CO2 is only a fraction of the “greenhouse effect,” and a small fraction at that, around 1%. And of that small fraction of the atmosphere, man contributes a fractionary rise each year by only a small fraction. And we want to destroy civilization, the state that arose from man’s desire not to live in nature, for a fractionary rise of a fractionary gas that plays a fractionary role in contributing to a relatively minor secondary factor in determining global temperatures?

    Now, the inclusion of water vapor, the dominant greenhouse gas, as an “emission” of man is sneaky indeed. Man is made of water! Around 90% in fact. So the left is arguing that man is killing himself by merely being alive? Few ideologies in mankind’s history have displayed such a twisted self-loathing, self-sacrificial drive to economically, spiritually, and eventually, physically murder himself and his fellow man. The science is patently secondary to the political agenda,which is the rationalization and institutionalization of man’s servitude to man, and poverty and death as a “patriotic duty.”

    P.S. So how do I sync my blog with The Twitter?


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