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Posts tagged ‘Sarah Palin’


Who Would Be Trailin’ Palin? Christie’s Exit Leaves Void in GOP Field

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s repeated refusal to consider the possibility of running for president has left a giant void in the GOP field. Not for establishment Republicans like Bill Kristol, or for inexplicable reasons, “right-wing extremists” like Ann Coulter, but for those whom the cocktail circuit left affectionately refer to as “Joe Lunchbox.”

Though Christie has some glaring flaws for the right – his positions regarding Muslims and “manmade” climate change – he was a straight shooting hombre who knew how to make a union goons’ legs turn to jelly. His YouTube-friendly quips are so delicious they are salaciously referred to as “Chris Christie porn,” which for right-wingers provide much-needed verbal pushback to a brazen left-wing media.

But all that is gone now, leaving a gaping donut hole in the field that desperately needs filled.

Enter Sarah Palin? With her sassy backtalk and red stilettos, she’s just the kind of candidate who can shake up – let’s face it – a decidedly boring cast of characters. [Continued on Political Crush]


Raising Cain: GOP Sees Shake Up as Herman Cain New Frontrunner

There’s a new godfather in town, and it’s high time for the big payback.

Fresh off a no-nonsense performance in last week’s GOP debate, Hermann Cain is poised to shake up the field and debunk the outright lies that tea partiers care more about skin color than they do about their country. Never was about that, and mush-minded moderates will soon figure that out.

And there’s nothing the lamestream media can do about it.

Sure, there’ll still be what I call the loony 20%, the hardcore lefties who think in such warped terms there’s no sense even talking with them. But race-baiting for much of the nation is about to be rendered obsolete.

Speaking with Larry OConnor, Ben Shapiro, and Kurt Schlichter on the StageRightShow after the debate, I plainly endorsed Herman Cain, even as Larry OConnor subsequently dismissed him. But it was apparent that between the four of us, none of us was satisfied with the GOP field.

The palpable discontent in the party no doubt promoted new rumors about a Chris Christie run, if that’s the appropriate descriptor.  Meanwhile, Sarah Palin is playing footsie with the American public, and not everyone is turned on.

But with Cain  winning decisively in a key Florida straw poll, and Perry and Romney sinking way down, many other conservatives apparently concur that it is time for some fresh blood. And there’s no time like the present.  Conservatives are ready to shift to Cain to make sure that they don’t wind up getting McCained.

Politico, unsurprisingly, took away nothing from the debate to suggest that there could be a rising Cain, which says a lot either about the quality of their analysis or their intellectual honesty. Regardless, they’re not to be trusted. CBS is running smokescreen for the Alinskyites who brazenly smeared the tea party as racist, the selfsame tea party that is now starting to support a very black candidate. Thus the lamestreamers have seeded the narrative that there is no way Cain can win anyway.

But once again, the tea party has proven they are willing to back a black, a woman, hell, even a martian, as long that being can get us back to fiscal sanity.  This is not about Obama. This is not about picking a candidate based on gender or race.  This is about selecting the best person for the job of president who represents the majority of Americans’ views: on repealing Obamacare, opposing environmentalism, taking action on illegal immigration, and victoriously ending the wars overseas.

Backing Cain as the best available candidate for the job would put a bloody, miserable end to the braindead zombie narrative that tea partiers are racists – with a double-tap headshot if he were somehow elected president.  The southern strategy  mythology, the ridiculous arguments like conservatives want to bring back slavery, all manner of lefty race-based lies would come to an abrupt halt, lest the mockers become the ones mocked.

If it is one thing the left has shown repeatedly, however, is that left-wingers don’t let old narratives die easy.  In the interim, it will be fun to watch the liars squirm over a Herman Cain-led GOP field.  Come on, Cain. Pay the cost to be the Boss.


Republicans: Be Wary of All Candidates

With Rick Perry entering the race, Republicans should be extremely suspicious and not fall for any new “hope and change.” Each candidate that arises should be thoroughly vetted, including tea party favorites Rick Perry and Sarah Palin.